A Proven Program To Help Elevate-Driven Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners

Create A Business That Generates More Revenue, Harnesses Your Inner Passion And Unlocks The Business Process For Even More Success!

Without Having To Sacrifice Your Family, Time Or Lifestyle To Make It Happen…

Secure Your Place at The "Rainmaker Summit" Now

Tickets are limited...

From the desk of Bill Walsh
Chicago, USA.

Dear Friend,
Let me share a secret with you...

Over the past 20 years
I’ve worked exclusively with Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners across the world - whose goals were to create a real money making business on their terms. And, as a result I unlocked the perfect plan that takes your business beyond your wildest dreams, something that
I call the “2 Year Success Blueprint for your life and business”.

This secret soon became an open-secret as more and more clients found success with this blueprint, so much so, TV channels and Media outlets soon named me “America’s Small Business Expert...”. It’s a name I was a little uncomfortable with at first, as I wouldn’t look at myself as any type of “celebrity” but I soon realized it was because of the great results my clients were achieving.

I’ll be honest, back then when I started I just knew I had the ability to help business owners grow their businesses, but it wasn’t until
my clients results came raining in that I really had to take stock of what my mentor-ship, methodologies and teachings were achieving. I will explain more about The “2 Year Blueprint” a little later…

"Wildly Successful"

When your clients start sharing successes in the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and multi-million dollar deals, plus the impact and life changing transformation that was being experienced as a result of working with my company, “Powerteam International” – it was at that point I started to accept the nickname and knew I had to help more entrepreneurs.

I have met both Bill Gates & Donald Trump... and realized I had much bigger things to achieve, and it's one of the reasons that PTI launched Rainmaker.

Make It Rain..!

How could I do this in a bigger and more impactful way that would help thousands each year? That’s right, an event!

By now, I was already speaking around the world as a leading expert for entrepreneurs, but my own event would allow me to bring the necessary knowledge and actionable strategies that they needed.

The Rainmaker Summit was born.

“A rainmaker is any person who brings clients, money, business or even intangible prestige to an organization based solely on his or her associations and contacts”

– Investopedia

"Bill is the master of entrepreneurship! Powerteam international and everything he's put together is incredible, I hope that you're a part of it! If you're not, you need to be."
Robert Allen
Best selling author
"Rainmaker was amazing! The excitement in the room, the desire to learn, the eagerness of everybody, I just loved it, if you have an opportunity to be at Rainmaker... Just get there!"
Raymond Aaron
NY Times Top 10 Author
"I've been in the real estate business for over 35 years. I attended Rainmaker and it was a wonderful and inspiring experience. I recommend this for everybody"
Mark Kaplan
Real Estate Business Owner
Let's Be Real For A Second...
  • Could your income be described as a rollercoaster…where some months you’re CRUSHING it and then sometimes there are income droughts for weeks, possibly months, and you’re worried about where your next check is coming from?
  • Are you sick and tired of seeing others with less talent, less skill and less experience than you - charging more and having more success - when you know your stuff is better?
  • Do you feel TRAPPED by your business, like there’s not enough hours in the day, and you have to work overtime just keep things viable?
Instead, Imagine Your Life Where You...
  • No longer feel your stomach drop as you quote your price and instead feel beyond confident making your offers, even if you’re charging 5x 10x 20x more (even if that sounds ridiculous right now)
  • Feel incredible about serving your clients in a massive way – all from a place of integrity, congruence and generosity
  • Buy the things you’ve been wanting (the house, the car, the vacation) WITHOUT GUILT, because you know more money is always on the way and you feel fully WORTHY to splurge and nurture yourself
Often the road that business owners go down is paved with dangers;
“So-Called Experts” - who you’ve trusted to help with marketing but they don’t deliver, they talk a good game but don’t have the results to back-up their mouths.

Technology - your friends or associates told you about the wonders of tech, how it offers great features - but takes a genius to set-up

Tinkering - You tried to get things to work for yourself and because of it you lost precious time and gained a bunch of frustration and a half-working marketing system.

Business Strategy - You understand that strategy is massively important for growth but it’s never been a strong skill...

However, as with anything worth pursuing in life and especially in your businesses, it must work from a solid foundation of principles, that you can trust in.
To allow you to be in a position to use something that can stand the test of time, something that works with the latest marketing trends…
Well, as you can imagine, working with almost every type of business - I learned many ways that simply do not work but even more importantly…
I cracked the code of how to create predictable results time and time again.
I paid close attention to what really works for my clients, testing niche’s, markets, big ideas, raising capital, scaling rapidly, Global JV partnerships – you name it, I’ve done it.
And because of this multi-varied client base I was able to test and measure, then implement quickly what worked with minimal effort by developing the process to be able to use it over and over for my clients.

But, because I believe in sharing and helping other people. I decided to lift the lid off of what I’ve created. Each time I run an event it has rave reviews and feedback from the attendees is amazing.

"Ok Bill, - everyone says that."
Well here’s the reality. The video's and testimonials on this page show you the truth.
What Others Say About Bill...
This is a time where you either expand, or you are expendable! When you come here, you will be stretched, you'll get a larger vision of yourself, and you'll learn the methods and tips to take your career and business to the next level. Join us!
Les Brown
Motivational speaker
I've been at the Rainmaker Summit, and if you haven't been to a Rainmaker event,  you definitely need to be here, unless you just don't wanna be successful in your business. The stuff they're teaching here is so incredible.
Cathy Hankinson
Image consultant
I genuinely love what I do, and that just so happens to be helping business owners like you.
Meet Your Trainers
Bill Walsh
So let me share a little about what I've done and how I've made a difference to many business owners in your position.

I'm a venture capitalist and the CEO/Founder of the Success Education/Business Coaching firm, Powerteam International. I host and speak at events all over the world! My passion is to empower entrepreneurs and business owners to create massive success. 

I'm the best selling author of the book “The Obvious”, I'm often told that I'm a great radio personality and movie celebrity. I have a very successful background in finance and marketing. Plus I've spent over two decades working with start-ups right up to major global brands to help them increase sales, productivity and overall success. 

I love to innovate with my ability to determine and build success plans to help business owners seize immediate market opportunities - often missed by many...
A successful business is not built by one person alone - a team is what takes it to the next level. And at Powerteam International this is a core part of our culture. So let me introduce you to our...
Guest Trainers
Cheryl Brenner
PTI Global Partnerships
Austin Walsh
Internet Marketing Expert
Farhana Cannon
Instagram Expert
Angel Tuccy
Media Exposure Specialist
Brian Nieves
Speaker & Trainer
Michael Silvers
Business Strategist
I'm taking it to a “whole-new-level”
Each time I run Rainmaker, I do something different, something unique, something that no matter what, every person that attends will make a break-through and walk away with having done the work - not just theory and note taking, but actual “work”.

...okay, it’s time to see…
What’s In It For You!
At Rainmaker you will also learn how to connect and do deals with some of the most successful entrepreneurs from around the world, monetize your passion and become 100% accountable to your success plan! Come and discover proven strategies and concepts that are specifically designed to assist your company in increasing your revenue and bottom line profits!

If you are just getting started or already run a successful business and are serious about creating even more success, then you will love Rainmaker Summit Program.
What You Will Learn At
The Rainmaker Summit
Leadership training, your success plan, systems, accountability & more.
One of the biggest challenges I see in the Entrepreneur space is an unclear business leadership and that their business leadership ISN’T in alignment with their revenue
 and / or lifestyle goals.

Let me explain what I mean by business leadership.
You will learn specifically what it takes to create even greater confidence 
and competence to become a rock star and intuitive performer in your area of expertise.

The biggest pitfall entrepreneurs make is they do not lead their business to really grow. They aren’t leading by example creating an environment and culture that creates more leaders, which is like running a business that relies on temps who never come together
 to build a business that is in-line with your goals. 
We'll cover:
  • What the true vision is for your business in vivid detail including what kind of lifestyle you want and how much you want to work.
  • How much revenue you want to generate each year and how to reverse engineer your goal so you know exactly what needs to happen to get there.
  • How YOU can adopt the millionaire mind-set permanently to put you on the success track for greater results.
  • The exact way to connect with millionaires, so you can adopt the power of a network that reflects your net worth targets.
  • Why the quality of your language has a direct impact on your quality of life
  • What goals you need to set for the next 30 days and 12 month targets that are big enough to stretch you, yet structured to make them happen
  • How to unlock your WHY… Often the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle for many entrepreneurs. With it – you’ll create success from the inside out.
  • The little known LIFE equation that creates a simple approach to an extraordinary life goal in all of the essential areas of your success!

Day 2: Success Plan & Systems
You will learn about systems and programs that are necessary to build successful companies. Expert education will be in the following areas: 
Business Structure & Credit, Marketing Funnels, Advertising, Branding Sales Strategies, Website & iPhone development, and how to create and expand your business through Internet Marketing & Global joint ventures…
We'll cover:
  • How to wrap your brand message into a positioning pill for long lasting positive market effects…
  • The exact difference between Vision and Mission and the Bill Walsh approach to using them to inspire and map out the route to your business success
  • What you need to know in order to identify your Perfect customer and the key attributes to look for.
  • The ice-breaker formula that reveals how to connect with a billionaire and other successful people in under 29 seconds 
  • The Marketing strategy and tactics that unlock your fastest route to clients in the most effective way
  • Internet Marketing secrets that remove all of the confusion so you can follow a direct path to getting real tangible results
  • Paid advertising strategies for scaling your business to $250k, $500k, $1million,  $10 million and beyond…
  • The exact system you’ll need for wildly successful business growth that puts your lifestyle first so you create a business by design and not by chance!
Day 3: Accountability & Execution
You will learn how to get rid of the clutter in your life and plan out perfect days / months to optimize your time to create even greater clarity in every area of your life! You will become laser focused and know specifically how to step into Quantum Productivity…
We'll cover:
  • Your 3 day Success Track/Success Plan Form that has been your guide during your time at Rainmaker to ensure you have the 2 year success plan for your life and business…
  • How to create and become part of an inner circle that accelerates your business ideas and holds you accountable to the necessary action
  • The exact Customer Acquisition Goals for unlocking the next 3 years of your business so that youre always on track and know what to be focused on (we break this down into quarters, months, weeks and days – incremental predictable steps
  • The “2 Minute U” formula that will unlock what will make you different from this point forward
  • What you need to know for next generation wealth, business capital, global masterminding and how to move to the next level as a business owner
  • The truth about business credit & venture funding (Including the critical 7 mistakes most business owners make about credit)
  • The best business resources and 5 solid steps to building business credit in rapid time for any business.
  • The “Million Dollar Success Equation” and how you can unlock the deep support that PTI offers all of our Rainmaker attendees
  • How to manage, plan, schedule and take every step in your stride with the key 21st Century tools for next level success
Who loves free bonuses? "Yes, you."
But these aren’t any ordinary simple free paper-thin bonuses, read below.
Bonus 1: Attend Any Rainmaker Summit LIVE Events Unlimited
Unlimited access for up to a year to any Rainmaker Summit Live events. Value - $9985
Bonus 2: 2x Ultimate Wealth Camp Conference Tickets
2 tickets for you and a business partner, friend or partner.  Value - $1,994
Bonus 3: Access to the Rainmaker Global Community
24/7 access to our Rainmaker Global Community.  Value - $1997
Bonus 4: Access to the Rainmaker Success Library
24/7 access to our exclusive Rainmaker Success Library.  Value - $997
Bonus 5: Your very own Successfolio Business System
Includes a success planner, audio training series, website builder and 80 page workbook.  Value -$4,997
Bonus 6: Inspiration2020 Success Conference Tickets
Your ticket to the amazing Inspiration2020 Success Conference!  Value - PRICELESS
If you really want to be a great entrepreneur, then you need a great and inspiring entrepreneurial teacher, who knows how take low value and turn it into high value! And that's exactly what Bill Walsh and Powerteam International do.
Mark Victor Hansen
Co-author of "Chicken Soup For The Soul"
I'm here at Rainmaker by the incredible Bill Walsh, and it's amazing! He is such a powerhouse of information, it's highly motivational and I feel very honoured to meet him. You should definitely check him out too.
Mari Smith
You know that feeling when the penny finally drops and you say something like;
“Now I know… I understand, I get it!”
  • You’ll be able to create a predictable way to generate clients and remove stress of wondering where your next lead will come from 
  • Discover how to implement systems and processes so you can take your income to the next level 
  • You’ll learn how to grow your business in a challenging market
  • Unlock the exact way to take your idea and bring it to market
  • How to turn that passion that’s inside you into a money making business
...Finally be able to realize your dreams, knowing you’ve finally done it,
“you’ve made it”, to be able to spend more time with your family, not worry
about money anymore, Take that holiday you promised yourself and
your partner, buy that car or house, support your favourite charity
- whatever your goals are! And be held accountable to those goals…
Let me say for the record, this is the “must-attend” event. Harness your inner passion to create a money making business.
Warning: if you want to create a business without the guesswork approach, you’ll follow the exact steps we teach at Rainmaker Summit.

Why This Event is for You
This is for you if you answer “Yes” or can relate to any of these statements.
  • You do not know how to provide enough value for program's / services that are high value
  • You lack confidence, even though you can provide significantly more insight, value and ROI, than your competitors (Impostor syndrome)
  • You don’t know where to start - you have the ingredients, you just need the instructions
  • You’re looking for help to automate your business systems.
  • The industry you’re in appears to have mainly low income clients who would not go for any high level offers.
  • You’ve just got through paying off a high-value program with another coach or consultant and because your results were poor, making those payments stressed you out. You know you can serve your clients, you just need more with someone to help you get results.
  • You can't see how your dreams are possible without the right support
  • You are established, but need help with packaging your services.
  • You are established, but need help with raising capital.
  • You think you should be building the residual income first, then when you have enough under your portfolio you can then offer other services
  • Past bad experiences make you skeptical about who you can trust to help you grow your business
  • You’d love to be able to choose One market, one clear offer that solves a ‘keep you up at night’ problem, one platform for one year [instead of needing instant gratification]
  • You struggle with clarity on the direction you want to go in with your business, who you want to serve, what you want to bring to the market long term, what you want to be known for etc.
  • You feel like you need Tony Robbins or some other Guru to keep you on track and focused
  • You get excited easily and you chase the new shiny thing every single time!
  • You simply want to master leadership, systems, marketing, sales and scaling your business
If all this event did was...
  • Help you own your value in every cell of your body
  • Create and make offers to your prospects with unshakeable confidence
  • 2 - 5X the prices of your services & programs
  • Help you escape the time for dollars trap and move to high-impact levels
Would it be worth it???
As you can understand, we have limited seating in the room, so I don’t want seats wasted on people who register but are not committed to growth.

You now have a good idea of what’s in-store, I sincerely hope I will see you at the workshop so you can experience this one-of-kind event.  All that is left for you to do is to go ahead and secure your place now.

Please note  - tickets get snapped up rather early because of the additional bonuses and limited spaces.

Here's My Rainmaker Promise To You!
Your investment is protected by our 30-Day "Success Lock" Policy. Here's how it works: You have a full 30 days to go through the entire Rainmaker system. If you decide during that time that "The Rainmaker System" is not right for you, just let us know and our team will work with you one on one, for up 2 hours to make sure you have completed your Personal Success Plan...no questions asked.
  • In short, you get a great return on your investment and if you need it,  our Global team of experts are here to help you if you get stuck along the way! It's that simple.
Your Ticket
Important Ticket Information
  • WARNING: There are limited spaces available as venue capacities are pre-booked to ensure we deliver a value driven event!
Your Ticket Includes;
  • Full 2 ½ Day Event
  • Expert Guidance from Bill Walsh (Value - $25,000)
  • Expert Guest Trainers (Value - $16,997)
  • BONUS 1 - Attend Any Rainmaker Summit LIVE Events Unlimited (Value - $9985)
  • BONUS 2 - 2x Ultimate Wealth Camp Conference Tickets (Value - $9,994)
  • BONUS 3 - Access to the Rainmaker Global Community (Value - $1997)
  • BONUS 4 - Access to the Rainmaker Success Library (Value - $997)
  • BONUS 5 - Your very own Successfolio Business System, Sales & Marketing Workbooks & Success Track & Complete “Success By Design” Audio Training Series (Value - $997)
  • BONUS 6 - 10x Inspiration2020 Success Conference Tickets (Value - $197)
  • This ticket is for one person and a business partner or spouse. You can also include children under 21.
Overall, you'll receive $66,164 in real value.
Ticket Price: $4997
Find An Event Near You
Available Dates
Additional Details:
June 2025
6/20 - 6/22 Rainmaker Summit Chicago Marriott Northwest 
Chicago, IL 5:00PM

2025 Rainmaker Summit Calendar
September 19th-21st Orlando, FL
October 10th-13th Athens, Greece
December 12th-14th Las Vegas, NV
Call 1-866-238-5920 for more information.
Email support@ipowerteam.com

Locations of where Rainmaker Events Have been held: 
United States , Australia, Canada, England, Singapore, Malaysia, Caribbean 
Germany , Switzerland, Italy & Indonesia
See you there, 
Bill Walsh
"America's Small Business Expert"
PS - Any Questions..?
If you've made it this far, congratulations.  I have two further things to summarize.
  • 1 - The event is exactly what you're looking for if you'd like more leads, more clients and a proven system that brings in results each month that you can implement right away.
  • 2 - Just in-case you're wondering, do Bill's methods work and if this Rainmaker Summit will work for YOU. The simple answer is "yes", but for those who need a little more convincing I've posted some testimonials videos and pictures below so you have proof.
Client Testimonials
Robert Allen
Motivational Speaker
Raymond Aaron
NY Times Top 10 Author
Mari Smith
Social Media Expert
James Dentley
Entrepreneur & Author
Karen Hoyos
Success Coach
John Assaraf
Spiritual Entrepreneur

Brian Tracy, Speaker & author of “Million Dollar Habits”

Thank you again for all your advice and guidance. I’m using your direction to change my direction. I just want to tell you that your events are one of the greatest experiences that you can possibly attend as a business person, as an investor, as an entrepreneur. There are so many good ideas, so many valuable people here, so many insights, it’s literally priceless. I’ve been here for 3 days, and I am going to gain millions of dollars’ worth of ideas, opportunities and contacts. So if you’re thinking of attending Rainmaker, by all means run, don’t walk!

Karen Hoyos, International Trainer, Success Coach, Speaker

Take your life and business to the next level with Bill Walsh’s tools that can help improve your entire life and business.

Les Brown, Award winning speaker, author of “Live Your Dreams”, “It’s Not over until You Win”, and “Up Thoughts For Down Times”

When you go to Bill Walsh's Power event, you either expand yourself or become expendable. You will be stretched, and get a larger vision of yourself. You will learn the methods and techniques that will take your career, your business and your income to the next level. Always strive to be at the top, because the bottom is overcrowded.

Mark Victor Hansen, author of “Chicken Soup For The Soul”

If you really want to be an entrepreneur, you’ve gotta have a great and inspiring entrepreneurial teacher who knows how to take low value, and make it high value. And that’s what Bill Walsh and the Powerteam can do. They show you how to write a business plan so that when you read it, you wanna quit whatever it is you’re doing and join this business. They show you how to write it so well that when money looks at it, they’ll say “Oh I’m gonna pour money on that thing because that is gonna rock”.

Robert Allen, Author of “Multiple Streams of Income”

I love entrepreneurship, I love business, I just do. I was introduced to Bill Walsh, the master’s master on entrepreneurship. The team that he’s put together is incredible; I hope you’re part of it. If you’re not, you need to be.
Bill & Friends
Here I am with some friends, mentors, celebrities, and just some of amazing people I've come across as a result of Rainmaker.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register for a Rainmaker Summit?
You can register on this website by choosing your ticket on the next page.  As soon as we receive your order, we will register you in our database and you will receive an e-mail confirmation from us within 24 hours.
How do I change location or date?
You can request a change to your location or date by calling 866.238.5920 at least (7) seven working days prior to the seminar and transfer to another seminar. You must take the seminar within one year of your initial registration. You are not eligible for a refund unless each cancellation or transfer is made within 3 days of initially enrolling for the Rainmaker Course.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Powerteam accepts: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
Can someone else from my company attend in my place?
Yes, we can substitute anyone else in your company for you. Please call 866.238.5920 with the substitution information 2 weeks prior to seminar date if possible.
When does the seminar start?
Check-in time on the first day is 6:00 PM. The first session ends around 10 PM. The second day will begin at 9:00 AM. and conclude around 10 PM and third day will be begin around 9 AM and finish at 3 PM followed by optional bonus sessions on new ways to create income.
What is the address and phone number of the hotel?
If registered, your confirmation email will list the hotel name, address and phone number. If for some reason the location is changed, you will be notified by email. For this reason it is imperative that you keep your email address current with Powerteam. Please call the hotel for directions. If you are connected to the Internet, you may want to go to mapquest.com, mapblast.com, or yahoo.com and print a map.
Are meals served?
You will be on your own for all meals, Occasionally tea and coffee breaks are provided in the morning and in the afternoon. Call our reservation line at 866.238.5920 if you have special needs. We will do our best to accommodate you.
Can you send me the materials now so I can study before the seminar?
Bill Walsh would like everyone to start on the same level so materials are only provided at the seminar. You will use the workbook during the seminar. The other materials, including the online learning center and your Rainmaker workbook, are reference materials for your use after the seminar.
How do I cancel?
If you are registered but can’t attend, Powerteam must be notified at least seven working days before the seminar of any cancellations or transfers. Failure to notify will result in the forfeit of any obligation by Powerteam . You may cancel your registration and receive a full refund within 3 days of enrolling for the program. Substitutions may be sent in your place. Please notify Powerteam with any substitutions prior to the seminar date. Please make your own hotel reservations. After 3 days from your initial purchase there are no refunds for any reasons for the Rainmaker Summit program.
When do I have to pay for the Rainmaker Summit?
Payment is due at the time of your online registration. Most credit cards are accepted. Special arrangements are established for corporate accounts. Call 866.238.5920 for details.
Who will lead my seminar?
Because of the number of breakthrough events being offered each month worldwide, it is impossible for us to guarantee which facilitator will be leading a given workshop. However, all Powerteam Rainmaker Summit course leaders are carefully selected for their expertise and skill and are specially trained for leading, teaching, discussing, motivating and making it all as enjoyable as it is educational.
How many people attend an average seminar?
The number of participants depends on the size of the city and the time of year. The seminar size is usually limited from 50 to about 150 people.
Is the hotel fee included in the price of the seminar?
No, the hotel fee is not included in the price of the Seminar. When possible, we try to arrange special corporate rates for Powerteam attendees. Call us at 866.238.5920 for information.
Will Powerteam make my hotel reservations?
We do not make arrangements for private accommodations.
May I record the seminar?
Due to the exclusive copyrighted nature of the material, no recording is permitted at the seminars.
What do I wear to the seminar?
The dress is business casual.
What do I need to bring to the seminar?
Bring a laptop/iPad, or pen and notepad if you prefer. All other materials are provided.